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Net-zero energy use now the goal for Habitat Roaring Fork’s housing projects

Scott Condon, Aspen Times

Nonprofit plans to replicate Basalt Vista model at new project in Rifle.

Habitat for Humanity of the Roaring Fork celebrated the success of its Basalt Vista project Thursday for Earth Day but it really provided a glimpse into the future of housing development.

Habitat is on the home stretch of completing a high-efficiency, all-electric and net-zero energy consumption project. So far, 16 of the 27 units at Basalt Vista have been completed, sold and occupied. The third and final phase of 11 units is about half-finished. Half of the units are going to teachers and other employees of the Roaring Fork School District; the other half to workers in Pitkin county. 

Chapter president Gail Schwartz said the goal is to replicate what was accomplished at Basalt at Habitat Roaring Fork's future projects.