Help us help local children and families.
It’s that time of year! We’re gathering toys and food for local children and their families. With your help we will be able to deliver some holiday cheer to our fellow community members in need. As a way to say thanks, when you bring in a new unwrapped toy or non-perishable food item by Tuesday, December 21st, you’ll receive 10% off your ReStore purchase.* Don’t have time to pick up a toy? We have some fuzzy (brand new) Disney blankets—perfect to donate and for the kids on your holiday gift list.

Donate Toys
If you would like to donate toys, they should be new, unwrapped, and preferably in the $15 or above price range (books can be less). Here are some ideas for what to donate:
- Board & card games (Uno, Tenzi, Bananagrams, Candyland, etc.)
- Sporting goods (especially balls of all kinds)
- Building sets (Legos, Lincoln Logs, Mega Blocks)
- Play kitchen items (utensils and play food)
- Dolls & action figures
- Books (kids love anything by Mo Willems, Drew Daywalt or Dr. Seuss!)
- Arts & craft items, science, and collection kits
- Kid’s blankets (we have some fuzzy Disney blankets that would make a great donation!)
Donate Food
We would appreciate donations of food that is “shelf-stable” or nonperishable, i.e. food that can be kept in your pantry and won’t go bad. Please only donate food that hasn’t reached its “sell-by” date yet. Need ideas? Following are the food items families will appreciate:
- Peanut butter
- Canned soup
- Canned fruits & vegetables
- Canned stew
- Canned fish
- Dried or canned beans
- Pasta (most prefer whole grain)
- Rice (most prefer brown rice)
- Boxed cookies & crackers
Donate Gift Cards
Don’t have time to shop for a toy or food item? Gift cards also make great gifts for families!
- City Market
- Walmart
*10% off available in person and on the day of donation only.
Help us build affordable homes with the people we need in our community
Families who partner with us build their own homes alongside volunteers, pay an affordable mortgage and are grateful for your help.